
Polygamous pastor with two wives becomes dad again

A POLYGAMOUS pastor with two ‘sister wives’ has become a dad for the twelfth time, after his 'bride', who’s 41 years his junior, gave birth to a baby girl.

Reba Miller, 20, who ‘married’ Thom Miller, 61, with his wife Belinda’s permission, gave birth to her first child, Catherine Angelica, last month.

A polygamous pastor, who has two 'sister wives' has become a dad for the twelfth time

Now the three of them, all of whom are devout Christians, plan to raise the baby together, with Reba calling herself ‘mum’ and 44-year-old Belinda calling herself ‘mumma’.

Proud new dad, Thom, said: “Catherine has added to the family, she completes us. We’re all closer and she will be brought up with three times the love.

“We are all her parents and we will all play a part in raising her, if anything, having two mums is better than one.”

Thom and Belinda became close to Reba when she volunteered with them at the church soup kitchen in their hometown of Mansfield, Ohio.

Thom had known Reba as a child but after meeting her again in her late teens he started ‘appreciating’ her as a woman.

Reba moved into the couple’s marital home, ‘married’ Thom on his seven-year anniversary to Belinda and fell pregnant shortly after.

Thom and his wives say the pregnancy was a joint decision, and all three were involved every step of the way.

Belinda said: "I felt very excited when she was born and I felt as if she was a part of me as she was a part of them. I mean we are one big family.

“I have never felt excluded at any point during the pregnancy or the birth.

“All three of us were in the delivery room when Catherine was born and I experienced a wonderful rush of love when Reba gave birth.

“I don’t feel jealous that Reba is biologically Catherine’s mother.

"The baby completes our family, I couldn't have children with Thom myself so having Reba has been perfect.”

Reba endured an 18-hour labour and gave birth naturally on March 31 with the support of Thom and her elder ‘sister wife’.

Belinda, who has seven other children, is now guiding new mum Reba through the first weeks of motherhood, and the pair split the responsibilities equally.

Reba said: “I breastfeed Catherine and I express milk so Belinda and Thom can feed her too.

“I feel lucky to have a sister wife to help care for the baby. If I’m tired Belinda is always on hand to step in and give me a break”

And despite the exhaustion of caring for a newborn, the trio insists that having a baby hasn’t changed their sex lives at all.

Thom said: “I have no issues at all sexually and there’s still no difference between them, I’m not more excited to be with one over the other.

“I love each one of them differently and we share intimacy differently. I’m 61-years-old and I’m still a man.”

Thom spends three evenings with one wife before spending the next three nights with the other.

Belinda's daughter, Jamie, 18, lives in the unconventional family home but is thrilled to welcome her new sister.

She said: “Living with a polyamorous family is amazing. I have two mums and a dad and I think that Catherine is lucky to be brought up in such a loving home.

“I would definitely consider being a sister wife myself, it would be cool to have another woman to help with the cooking and cleaning.”


But not everyone has reacted so well to the news; some of Thom’s older children have cut contact and Belinda’s younger daughters have been taken into care by social services.

However, all three say they have no regrets and will stand up and fight for their right to live as man and wives.

Belinda said: “Despite everything I’ve lost to live this lifestyle I don’t regret a single thing.

“My children have been taken into care but I hope they will be proud of me for standing up for what I believe in and we’re fighting to get them back.”

Reba, whose marriage to Thom is not legally recognised, is also quick to defend her lifestyle, although she admits her family finds it hard to accept.

She said: “I can see how some people may consider this an unconventional way to raise a child but she is cared for and loved. Nobody else’s opinions matter.”


Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-04-23